Yo Peeps
as i know that most of the people are not able to afford high specification device for playing high end games on their devices but it doenst mean you cant play high end game on your android with low specification, you can play a high end game by this app 'Chainfire 3d' developed by famous developer from XDA his name is Chainfire so there are few step to follow
Requirement- A rooted device
Android 2.3+
Chainfire apk + Plugin (You can Download with the given below link
download llnk-http://www.4shared.com/android/WN2FKvcf/euchainfirecf3d34.html
as i know that most of the people are not able to afford high specification device for playing high end games on their devices but it doenst mean you cant play high end game on your android with low specification, you can play a high end game by this app 'Chainfire 3d' developed by famous developer from XDA his name is Chainfire so there are few step to follow
Requirement- A rooted device
Android 2.3+
Chainfire apk + Plugin (You can Download with the given below link
prerequisties-Your device must be rooted and not be 4.1+ or up android version because chainfire doesnt suppourt jellybean+ devices
download link plugin-http://www.4shared.com/rar/nMwhGnme/Plug-insFor_galaxy_ace_s5830i.html
Tutorial How to use Chainfire https://youtu.be/fUC7HxhVEtw
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